As long as your University allows it, and the University you studied is recognized in Germany, you are allowed to do Internship for a period of 12 months in Germany. As it's mandatory as per your undergraduate studies, you will not receive any stipend during the period. Therefore you should be able to support yourself. Similar to a job, you need to acquire B2 in German and C1 Medizin before applying to the same. People who have undergone Internship in a German hospital are most likely to be admitted to the same hospital for post-graduate studies. The medical studies in Germany complete with one year of "PraktischesJahr", i.e. Internship which spans over 3 months in General Medicine, 3 months in General Surgery and 3 months in an elective subject. We would like to mention here that an Internship is NOT the same as the clinical postings during your medical studies.